Achieve your goals without breaking the bank
At Johnson County Community College, we understand the importance of a quality education without the high price tag. That's why we offer some of the lowest tuition rates in the region, along with a variety of financial aid options and scholarships to keep college affordable.
Whether you want to complete a degree or certificate and enter the workforce fast—or earn valuable college credits to transfer to a 4-year school—your educational dollars go further at JCCC.
Here’s why JCCC is a smart choice:
Low college tuition rates
Our in-county, in-state, and Metro rates make us an affordable college option for everyone. We also don't charge additional per-credit-hour fees, unlike some other institutions.

Average cost of JCCC associate degree* (in-county)

60 credit hours at JCCC (in-county) + 2 years at average 4-year university (in-state)

Average cost of Kansas public 4-year degree (in-state)
* Tuition cost estimate based on 60 credit hour degree for Johnson County resident
Financial aid & scholarships
We offer a variety of financial aid resources, including grants, loans, work-study programs, and hundreds of scholarships. Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the JCCC Scholarship Application each year to maximize your financial aid potential.
Flexible payment plan
Need to break your tuition payments into several installments? Enroll in a payment plan. Automatic payments are available for easy management, and you can pay with a debit/credit card or electronic check. Learn more about Payment Plan benefits.
Flexible course options
With in-person, online, and hybrid courses, we make it easier for you to learn in the way that best suits your needs.
Transferable credits
Earn valuable college credits at JCCC that can seamlessly transfer to a four-year university, saving you time and money on your bachelor's degree.
More benefits for Cavaliers
You’ll also have access to these services and amenities to help you reach your goals:
- Academic Resource Center - free in-person and online tutoring
- Academic Advising & Counseling - career, academic, and personal counseling
- Access Services for Students with Disabilities- extra support to help you succeed
- Barbara Gill Lifetime Fitness Center - free access with your student ID
- Billington Library - in-person and online resources and research assistance
- Career Development Center - discover, explore, and prepare for your career
- Hiersteiner Child Development Center - convenient, caring on-campus childcare
- JCCC Bookstore - textbooks, course materials, school supplies, and more
- Student Basic Needs Center - resources to combat hardships and support your success
- Success Coaching - one-on-one help to set goals, manage stress, increase resiliency, and balance responsibilities