Keeping Our People Safe, also known as KOPS, is an all-hazard planning strategy for emergency preparedness efforts here at JCCC.
Keeping Our People Safe — Emergency Preparedness
KOPS-Alert includes the campus emergency notification systems and procedures that JCCC uses to keep the campus community informed in the event of an emergency.
Early detection and prevention strategy for reporting and managing suspicious behaviors and activity.
The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT), part of the KOPS-Watch initiative, was formed to provide a centralized team of individuals to assess any danger or harm that may result from the actions of an identified person or persons.
College Emergency Response Plan
Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere. The safety and security of our students, faculty and staff is crucial. The College Emergency Response Plan will tell you what to do and where to go in an emergency. Take a few moments to review the steps you should take in different kinds of crisis situations such as fires, severe weather, medical emergencies, armed intruder/workplace violence incidents, bomb threats and utility emergencies. Being prepared for an emergency ahead of time can help protect you, your family, friends and peers.
JCCC Emergency Operations Plan
The JCCC Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) outlines the management structure, key responsibilities, emergency assignments and general procedures for designated personnel resources to follow during and immediately after an emergency or disaster. The EOP supplements procedures currently in place for the day‐to‐day management and operation of JCCC. The plan is designed to assist JCCC personnel in accomplishing their primary responsibilities: life safety, incident stabilization and property protection. JCCC emergency operations plans establish the basic framework following the National Incident Management System for critical incident response, emergency preparedness and managing the process of restoring college programs and services.
Pre-identified locations of where you should go during an emergency (e.g., emergency assembly areas, storm security areas)