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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class Format

Classes are taught as Face-to-face sections unless otherwise noted. Lectures typically involve a conceptual development of the topic and its relation to previous topics followed by examples and student practice. Ideally, students will spend most of the class time doing examples and asking questions.

Resource Use

Textbooks and/or online homework (in which case, an e-book is available) are used in most classes. Even when a hard-copy textbook isn’t required, it is strongly recommended.

Canvas (or equivalent learning management system) is used extensively to post answer keys to quizzes and tests, and to post supplementary materials. Students can access their grades on Canvas.

Calculators are optional unless a specific learning outcome precludes it. Graphing calculators are not allowed on tests or quizzes.


Online homework is used extensively for courses numbered below 241. Online homework may or may not be assigned in upper-level classes.

Quizzes are given weekly. The use of one eight-and-a-half by eleven inch “cheat sheet,” both sides, is encouraged. It is expected that this will be used for definitions, formulas and examples.

Tests are given four or five times each semester. These are closed book and closed note quizzes.

The Final Exam is comprehensive and mandatory.

Typically, a student’s course grade will be determined by weighted average as follows:

  • Homework average 15-20%
  • Quiz average 15-20%
  • Tests 10-15% each
  • Final exam 20%

Homework Policy

In courses numbered below 241, online homework is required. In higher-level courses, homework may or may not be assigned.

Attendance Policy

College policy requires that a student attend at least once during the first week of class. Beyond that, students are expected to attend unless a serious emergency prevents it. Students who miss more than a few classes rarely, if ever, do well, but there is no specific penalty for absences, nor is attendance factored into the grade. Students who wish to be excused for a week or more for a recreational vacation should probably reassess their commitment to a college education. No make-ups are given for missed quizzes or tests, but the two lowest quiz grades are dropped to accommodate emergencies; likewise, the lowest test score will be replaced by the final exam score, or by the score on the corresponding portion of the final exam.