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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class Format

Self-paced, online, and face-to-face. Self-paced courses allow students to take up to 9 months to finish the course using a self-study format. Online classes allow the students to study and learn using online software.  Face-to-face classes are mainly lectures with many examples worked out in class utilizing prepared note packets. Students are responsible for completing their own note in case of absences.  Student participation and questions are encouraged.

Resource Use

Book: None

Calculator: Scientific Calculators (e.g. TI-30) are used in Elementary and Intermediate Algebra.  Graphing Calculators (e.g. TI-84) are used in courses at Math 165 level and higher.

Computer Software: All my courses require the use of an online homework system. The e-book is included within the software making the hard copy textbook optional.


Assessment in my self-paced and online courses is done via tests taken in the Testing Center or another approved testing facility. For self-paced courses, students have 2 chances to take each unit test to try to improve their score. Assessment for my face-to-face classes is done via quizzes and tests taken in class. Also, in-class work is collected and graded at various times throughout the semester. The departmental cumulative final exam is given at the end of the semester in all courses.

Homework Policy

My self-paced and online courses have an online homework requirement for each section that we cover. Students in my face-to-face courses will be expected to complete online homework, section by section periodically as required in the class schedule.

Attendance Policy

There is no attendance policy for my self-paced courses. Face-to-face courses have the same attendance policy as the college for the beginning of the semester. After that time, there are no additional attendance policies other than those related to quizzes and tests missed the day of an absence. For my online classes, students will be expected to post to the discussion board and keep up with the course schedule on a weekly basis.


My schedule varies, so while I am often available, appointments are recommended since I have to be off-campus for some of my college responsibilities.

Additional Information

Enrollment in my self-paced courses is open at any time in the semester.