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Instructors have provided the following information to generally describe what to expect in their classes.


Class Format

Face-to-face sections: The basic format of the course is Lecture-Discussion (using power-point presentations), homework assignments, take-home tests, and in-class examinations of concept. Notes and exam reviews will be available on Angel. Students’ participation is highly recommended.

Online sections will have most course material available online.  The online homework can be repeated for mastery.  Deadlines are enforced.  Most communication with the instructor will be by email.

Resource Use

Textbooks are used extensively to supplement the lecture and provide practice problems.  Homework and exam reviews will be selected from the textbook.

Calculators are used in every course.  A scientific calculator is required in all courses.  A Graphing calculator is recommended for some courses. Phones and other communication devices are not allowed as calculators on any exams.

Computer Software whenever needed will be available for student use in the Math Resource Center.

Online homework and quizzes may be used in some courses that have online components.


In most classes there will be weekly homework, weekly quizzes, take-home tests or projects, and 4-5 unit exams including a comprehensive final exam. About 60%-80% of the grade will be determined by the unit and final exams, and 20%-40% by the homework and other assignments.

Homework Policy

Selected problems are assigned out of the textbook for each section. The homework may be collected for a grade in some classes. Time permitting most homework problems will be discussed in class. Late homework will not be accepted.

Attendance Policy

It is your responsibility to attend every class meeting and maintain a serious attitude regarding your own achievement including the completion of all assignments in a timely manner. Missing class regularly may result in a poor performance in the exams. If you miss an Exam or a Test your score for that Exam or Test will be a zero. You may replace your lowest Exam score with the score of your final Exam provided it is higher.


I am available via email or by appointment. I am also available few minutes before and after class.