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The governance structure is comprised of the following:

  • Board of Trustees: The UMass Board of Trustees (BOT) fully supports the systemwide ERM Program and provides direction and guidance to the Program. The BOT Audit and Risk Committee receives an annual update on the Program at a regular meeting of the Committee; additional BOT committees are provided updates as needed.
  • President’s Council: Consisting of the President, the President’s senior staff, and each Chancellor, President’s Council actively supports the Program, providing direction and guidance as needed.  
  • ERM Executive Committee: Consisting of leadership representatives from the campuses and President’s Office, the ERM Executive Committee validates and prioritizes risks and affirms risk mitigation strategies.
  • ERM Working Group: Consisting of campus ERM representatives and seventeen discipline-specific subject matter experts from across the university system, the ERM Working Group identifies and assesses systemwide risks, and develops, implements, or monitors risk mitigation strategies.
  • Campus ERM Committees: Membership may vary from campus to campus, but Campus ERM Committees are responsible for identifying, assessing, and mitigating campus-level risks.